Thursday, March 22, 2007

Ethics Reasearch

Research Proposal
Ethical Issues in New Multi-Modal Literacies and Information technology.
To assess the issues relating to the social and literacy practices and their implications for literacy education

Summary of the proposed research
This Project uses a focus group to analyze ethical issues in use of multi-modal literacy and technologies. A literature review of ethical issues relating to information technology in education will inform the content of a focus group. It is planned that the online students in EDU 8415 will be invited to take part in an online discussion of the ethical issues that relate to their practice. Using a feminist model of care, diversity and networking to analyze the ethical issues, the researcher will set topics for discussion and analyze the results using reflective research diary.
Identification of research problem
Problem solving and decision making often involve ethical dilemmas. Ethics imply that there are no correct answers even though moral codes are in place. As the technology of computers, the Internet and multi-modal capacity, including fax, mobile phones, PALM, Chat servers, asynchronous discussion has rapidly become part of the education al processes, the ethical analysis of these modes have not been well debated.
I am personally interested in ethics and ethics education. Multi-modal delivery of education regarding ethics is an important aspect of the work I propose for the future, the reverse situation, the ethics of multi-modal education is an integral part of this area.

Research questions
The fundamental research questions are:
1 Are there specific ethical issues that relate to the new technologies?
2 Do some of the basic ethical issues pertaining to other areas in life provide a good model for understanding these issues?
3 Can we use multi-modal delivery of ethics of multi-modal education to stimulate discussion of ethics and provide good outcomes with respect to student understanding of the deeper issues of ethics?
Definition of terms
Ethics is a branch of philosophy. It relates to abstract thought and debate about issues for which there is no ready answer. There are many frameworks in ethics. There is monism, particularly the “golden rule” of “do unto others as you would do unto yourself”. This is often called the deontological position, God-given rights and wrongs. There is a utilitarianism that relates to pragmatism or the least amount of harm. This presents the theory of relativism or the “ ends justify the means”. Post-modern thinking includes pluralism or multiple frameworks that are more individualistic than culturally sensitive. There are many authors and a long history of ethics in philosophy, for example Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Machiavelli, Kant, Locke, Rousseau, Derrida, Russell, Nietzsche, Marx, James, Dewey to name a few in western thought. There are eastern and Muslim philosophies as well as other cultural and indigenous ethics

Multimodal –Literacy
New literacy in the knowledge age, information highway of globalized informed democracy has been enhanced by computer and Internet technology. These technologies have included synchronous and asynchronous interactions aided by telephones, mobile telephones, Internet chat, intranets, alms, faxes, Tele and video conferencing, Online forums, discussion boards, Lit servers, search engines and have more frequently involved icons, and visual, auditory stimuli that have moved away from traditional written texts. The ability and capacity to adapt to the changes in communication is defined as the new multi modal literacy
Feminist Philosophy
I subscribe to the feminist philosophy of care, value in diversity and networking which balances a gender bias. Feminist philosophy is a-philosophical, post-modern, non-theory bound and expresses socially conceived narrative rather than analysis. Care pertains to all humans, animals and the environment and although modeled on the mothering approach, also values sustainability and the rights of future generations). Care is a practice not just theory and pertains to giving, receiving, taking care within the context of the ‘Other” or recipient Diversity is valued above the homogenization of dichotomous thought Networking, social interaction and responsibility is a common value with the New Economy and is valued above individualism Although most feminists would argue that men are included in this philosophy, the term ‘feminism’ creates division. I prefer to use anima and animus to describe those stereotyped female and male unconscious parts of the person to avoid this schism
Review of the literature
There is good evidence that we can teach ethical cognitions, problem solving frameworks and ethical praxis Although there is evidence of prior learning, personality and developmental, hierarchical phases of moral development as described by Piaget and Kohlberg, Vygotsky inferred that this was essentially culturally defined Further literature review is required specific to multi-modal text, literacy and information technology.

An open discussion in the discussion board of the course Multi-modal Text and New Literacy USQ is situated in an interested group of professionals with experience in the Multi-modal texts and teaching the new literacies of Online and Internet based technologies. This group could define the ethical issues itself. Some leading questions could be posted to stimulate thoughts. Some of these could be case discussions involving ethical dilemmas. Other issues may relate to issues of distributive justice, privacy, security, trust and confidentiality, informed choice, nonmalificence, benificence, netiquette as some examples.
Data collection technique
Copies of the transcripts will be kept for the time related to the research. The issues will be summarized into key pints and the various discussion points around each expanded within the context of the pre-existing literature.

Data analysis
This is a qualitative analysis that will collate the discussion and review them with a feminist philosophy lens by the author. A reflective research diary will be used to document the critical analysis and reflections of the researcher. Supervision of the ethical principles will be given by the philosophy group of Toowoomba to provide validity and reliability of the analysis.
The course proceeds until June 2007 so the research will be limited to a four week period form April 17 th to May 17 th. This leaves enough time for the Easter holidays to do some preliminary literature research and time to analyze the data and write the final research.
Resources required
Access to the discussion board is required and time to post and discuss, read and analyze the postings will take approximately 30 hours. Discussion with the supervision group will take approximately 4 hours. Access to library databases is required and this is available via USQ website.
Ethics and politics of research
Each participant in the online discussion board will be aware of the research and its methodology. Each member of the unit will be afforded anonymity, as the discussion will be pooled. Any transcripts published will be by direct assent from the author. Inclusion in the focus group will be by invitation and members of the unit may choose to not be involved or to withdraw at any time. Feedback of the analysis will be given to all members of the discussion unit.
Significance of the proposal
Anticipated uses
It is anticipated that this information may be published so as to inform future research into the ethical aspects related to the new technologies. It is expected that the paper may be used for educational purposes towards ethical uses of multi-modal literacy education.
Anticipated problems
Students my not wish to be involved in truthful discussion of ethical issues in a forum where their names are known, They may not wish to speak freely in a forum that is analyzed for competency. They may be too busy to spend time discussing these issues.
The issues may be indistinct from ethical issues in other parts of life and thus not promote any depth of specific issues relating to the context.
The issues may be so varied as to not form a cohesive whole in understanding the issues, but this may just inform future research.

It is assumed that ethical issues exist in the online, multi-modal aspects of education and new literacies
It is assumed that students in the Masters course understand ethical issues
I t is assumed that an online focus group is the most practical method for establishing ethical issues,
Relevance to research to education
Ethics and ethical social and literacy practices are important aspects of literacy in education. Understanding the pitfalls and dilemmas and providing some guidelines for problem solving will assist decision making for the future. Understanding the ethical issues specific to the field is important in my context of education of ethical issues for business students. Business is increasingly globalized and dependent upon information technology, multi-modal literacies and the knowledge community of practice. Unethical behaviours have been major failures for businesses in recent decades and education towards corporate social responsibilities is an important global need.

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